Web001: What is Web Development ? How to start ? What are the Prerequisites ?

Web001: What is Web Development ? How to start ? What are the Prerequisites ?

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Before jumping into Web development and it's further discussion let us understand what is WEB ?

Well, in this case the word WEB stand for Website. In the world of internet, all the way down to 1989, the journey of web development was started. That time it was known as WEB 1.0 and now we are in WEB 2.0 though the tide of WEB 3.0 has been started. In a separate blog I'll discuss about the journey of WEB 1.0 to WEB 3.0 in details very soon. Well, let get answer of the question now.


1. What is Web Development?

Web development is a process of developing and delivering the website for an internet. It can be in a rang from developing a single page statics with plain text website to complex multi-page web application. Web development commonly refer to multiple set of task including web applications, web engineering, web designing, client/server side scripting, web server and network community etc.

Among Web professionals, "Web development" usually refers to the main non-design aspects of building Web sites: 'writing markup' and 'coding'.

Content development system or CMS may also belongs web development to make content changes easier and available with basic technical skills.

When someone or a group of person involve in web development they known as web developer. There are 3 types of main web development process or web developer present in web development community: front-end web developer, back-end web developer and full-stack web developer. We will discuss about the road map of each development process one by one in separate blog. For now, let's move to the next topic of discussion.

2. How to start Web Development?


So the most important topic for this blog is here now, how to start the web development ? As a beginner what are the topic we need to cover, what are the steps we need to take is the most search google questions on this topic. So let get it started directly:

Now I'm going to write this blog for the ground level beginner who are starting there journey with web development. Going forward I'm splitting the entire starting process into 2 parent steps:

  1. Non-technical
  2. Technical

Let me discuss about non-technical part first:


  • Mindset & Attitude: Now nobody will tell or discuss about this but one of the most underrated step is to have/build a learning, not-stopping/leaving mindset and a positive attitude.

  • Love what you are learning

  • Manage your time and commit yourself some time to practice everyday

Now let focus about the Technical part:


  • Learn HTML : So, your actual web development journey(tech) will start with HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). It is simple, easy and powerful step. without HTML, web doesn't exist. Give HTML 2-5 days times(based on availability) and learn the basic tags, practice daily. for example you are take HTML as a Skeleton of any website.

  • Learn CSS : The very next tool that you need to learn is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). In a simple word if we want to know about what CSS do is nothing but it makes a website colorful and attractive, easy to navigate. Give CSS 5-7 days and explore more on this.

  • Learn JavaScript : Well let's talk about JavaScript, one of the most required scripting language in web development. Starting from creating a desktop application to web application, JavaScript have a very large scope to solve real world problems. Give JavaScript 15-20 days and practice for your entire lifetime :)

  • Learn CSS framework : This is nothing but pre-written CSS, by written only the class name you can access the CSS files. We use this for simplifying our code and save time while developing complex websites. As an example we can take one of the most popular CSS framework Bootstrap. Give Bootstrap 5-7 days and practice for a longer time.

Congratulation buddy, now you are a web developer. Start creating new projects and enhance your knowledge. later on you can keep learning and explore the complex part of web development and not only create the complex websites but also you can change you career path and explore other world of your test.

3. What are the Prerequisites ?


Making it very easy and simple for all of us and let me tell you one of the most important part of web development is there is basically NO PREREQUISITES. Now some of us might be disagree on me in this but I'll explain why there is No Prerequisites for this.

Basically you don't need any College degree, you no need to learn any specific language or even it is okay if you don't have any high configuration laptop/desktop.

First of all in modern days we all have a smart phone and internet connection for more or less 24/7. Believe me you can be a web developer if you have this two. Now how? you can start learning directly form you mobile and start implementing little little from there itself. Later on having a desktop/laptop (even with low configuration) will give you a wings to fly in this industry.



So far we know about the basic of Web Development and how to start the journey as a web developer as a beginner and what are all Prerequisites. All the best for your future, subscribe the newsletter for latest update on software development industry.

Thank you. Take Care. Keep Learning, Keep Growing.

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